Saturday, April 15, 2006

I Know They're In There

We had accumulated a rather large number of Air Miles - not enough to take me anywhere I'd really want to go - but enough to blow it on some rather satisfying purchases. The Cuisinart stainless steel coffee maker, kettle and 4-slice toaster have made a nice addition to our kitchen.

And yet there were more Miles - what to do, what to do. Forget the weekend away - nobody ever wants responsibility for three kids - and besides, hockey season wasn't co-operating. Then it struck me, as I tried not to embarass my family when I took a picture of them (in public) with a disposable camera. Back to the Rewards section - and there it was, a digital camera with all the bells and whistles - and it was within our limit.

The order went in on a Monday at the end of February and the package arrived a few days later. I opened the box immediately - after all my friend Lou was there and I wanted to show it off. It would do, she proclaimed. Just like mine. You'll love it.

I was excited. Pictures for my relatives near and far, hassle-free prints on our new printer, I could finally start my blog and post my half-finished knitting projects too!! Inserted new batteries and I was on my way.

There are now three (3) pictures somewhere inside the camera. I know I took them and I know they're in there. I haven't seen them since the first week of March. I am now annoyed with shiny, little silver wonder. I want my pictures. Better still, I want my pictures on my blog.

Must seek assistance from teenage son. I will have to go about this carefully. Best not to sound too urgent. This type of request does not go over well. Perhaps I will ask after he has been showered with chocolate and jelly beans. I might catch him in a good mood, riding a sugar high.

In any event, this is yet another work in process. I know the camera works. I know the pictures are in there.

Lights, action, .........


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